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Fireside Chat with Judge Albright
Fireside Chat with Judge Albright

Mark your calendars: May 13, 2021 from 11:30am - 12:15pm CT

Judge Alan Albright, who oversees the nation's busiest patent docket right here in Waco, Texas, will sit down with McKool Smith Principal Kat Li, for a great discussion regarding his practices and procedures and all things patent litigation in WDTX.

Registration is free and all are invited.

This event is sponsored by the Austin Asian American Bar Association (AAABA). For more information about AAABA and its mission to serve the Asian-Pacific American community in Austin and the surrounding areas, please visit

If you are unable to attend, be sure to check back here after the event for coverage of all of the important information you may have missed. Subscribe to our blog to get notified about all things Waco patent litigation!

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With over 50 years of combined experience with federal court practice in the Western District, our team boasts former federal clerks and outstanding litigators with unrivaled experience in local federal litigation. Our contributors are all located in the Waco office of Naman, Howell, Smith & Lee. With an office just blocks from the Waco courthouse, we have our finger on the pulse of the emerging patent litigation practice in the Waco Division of the Western District, and we want to share that expertise with you.

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