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NHSL Attorney Andy Powell Awarded 2022 Pro Bono Award by American Gateways

Attorney Andy Powell was awarded the 2022 Pro Bono Award by the American Gateways organization.

American Gateways is an organization dedicated to providing legal services to immigrants, refugees, and survivors of persecution, torture, conflict and human trafficking. They are comprised of many highly skilled attorneys, doctors, counselors, and other professionals who all volunteer their time and expertise. The organization serves low-income immigrant communities in Austin, San Antonio, Waco, and throughout Central Texas.

Andy Powell has been involved with the organization for the last three years. He first came into contact with the organization at a presentation at the Waco Rotary Club. He has volunteered his knowledge and skills in the realm of immigration law, assisting in asylum cases and other legal counsel needs.

“I greatly enjoy working with American Gateways on a pro bono basis”, Powell shared.

NHSL attorneys Jacqueline Altman and Stephanie Potter, have also been involved with American Gateways in the past, assisting in asylum cases on a pro bono basis.

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