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Naman Howell attorneys have worked with energy market participants and customers for decades and understand the unique issues that come from all aspects of the market as it has evolved over time from traditional integrated utility models to incorporating a range of competitive market principles. We can effectively advise clients from all segments of the energy sector, including renewable energy developers/operators, large energy users, and liquified natural gas (LNG) developers and offtakers.

Our skilled energy and renewables attorneys understand how wholesale and retail energy markets work. We counsel clients on project development, energy procurement, energy contract negotiation, regulatory risk and opportunities, policy and legislation, compliance, enforcement, and the energy-related aspects of facility expansions. We also regularly assist clients in evaluating and implementing projects involving energy efficiency, demand response, onsite generation, renewable energy projects, and energy infrastructure.

Regarding wholesale electricity markets, we regularly advise clients on their efforts to interconnect with and participate in the markets administered by independent system operators (ISOs) and regional transmission organizations (RTOs), as well as any regulatory needs raised by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 

We also assist where energy and environmental law intersect on such issues as greenhouse gas emissions, climate change regulation, and environmental and natural resource assessments of energy infrastructure projects.


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