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Posts tagged Protective Order.

The Court now has a default Protective Order for patent cases. The PO can be found under "Courtroom Guidance" on the Court's website HERE.

Prior to this default protective order, Judge Albright had previously recommended that the parties use the default EDTX protective order as a starting point. The new Waco Division default protective order is similar to the EDTX order, with a few additions.

Most notably, the Waco Division PO includes both a "CONFIDENTIAL - OUTSIDE ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" designation as well as a "CONFIDENTIAL - ATTORNEYS' EYES ONLY" designation.


With over 50 years of combined experience with federal court practice in the Western District, our team boasts former federal clerks and outstanding litigators with unrivaled experience in local federal litigation. Our contributors are all located in the Waco office of Naman, Howell, Smith & Lee. With an office just blocks from the Waco courthouse, we have our finger on the pulse of the emerging patent litigation practice in the Waco Division of the Western District, and we want to share that expertise with you.

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